The succulent pig meat prepared in sharp, refined Marc de Champagne and the pronounced flavour of the Guérande sea salt come together as an invitation to sharing a verrine grand-style.
This is where the terroirs of Champagne and Ardennes meet, and where the fresh, gold, heady wine, famous throughout the world, meets the emblematic meat of the great charcuterie tradition. Champagne winegrowers boast their shiny fruit grown on cold soil, and proud Ardennais farmers present us with their beautiful crops and pigs. Two very different worlds with the same love for their land and sky above.
Pork, pork liver, whole egg, marc de champagne 3% (sulphites), Guérande sea salt, pepper, shallot, parsley.
Meats from France. No colourings or preservatives.
Allergen : Sulphites, Eggs
Until the container has been opened, a verrine may be preserved for up to 3 years in a cool dry place.
Consume soon after opening and keep chilled.